Link to the FireFox Extended Support Version Of Firefox. Use this special version of FireFox to access your Hikvision DVR or NVR Camera System. Be sure not to allow FireFox to update after installing this version. Also, don’t use this version of FireFox for browsing the Internet. Only use it for accessing your camera system. 

(Link to Download)


TeamViewer Installation File 

(Link To Download)


VLC Video Player - Used for playing back downloaded video clips from Hikvision DVR and NVR Recording Systems

(Link To Download)


VS Player - Also used for playing back Hikvision DVR and NVR video clips. But also will let you play back multiple channels at one time, Zoom in on videos you are playing, Capture Images from videos while you are playing them pack, Clip or Delete parts of the video and many other features that make playing back the video more like you are playing it back on the DVR or NVR itself. 

(Link to Download)